Sunday, April 14, 2013

General Conference Weekend!

Last weekend I went to Salt Lake City with some old roommates Casey & Anna, along with Anna's fiancé. 
It was such a beautiful day to drive down!!!
Despite Idaho's ugliness in the dead of winter, it really is quite lovely in the Spring!
Casey's cousins were able to get us tickets to the Saturday afternoon session of Conference!
Temple Square is one of my favorite places in the whole world.
It's just absolutely breathtaking!
I'm a sucker for cherry blossom trees...

It was a wonderful experience to be able to be in the Conference center!
It was all of our first times to go to a session.
You could feel the Spirit so strongly.
It was also very cool that I got to go to that session because my home town Houston was represented quite well. :)
Stanley Ellis, one of the 70's who spoke has known me since I was born.
His youngest daughter and I grew up together, and my oldest sister married one of his sons!
They are like a second family to me.
Also, Bonnie Oscarson was called to be the new Young Women's President, and her daughter is one of my oldest sisters best friends.
Whitney Clayton spoke as well, but I don't think he spoke that session.
But when my dad was a mission president in Mexico, Elder Clayton and his wife visited and stayed with us while going around speaking at zone conferences in the mission.
It made me totally homesick for Mexico!
Him and his wife are amazing people, and I'm so grateful I got to meet them!

(Anna, Me & Casey)
(Vinny, Anna, Me & Casey)

I love going to Salt Lake because I get to stay with my grandparents Cy & Neva! :)
I love them dearly!
I'm so grateful that they are always so willing to let me stay with them while I'm in Utah!
I love spending time with them, because I didn't always get to growing up since we lived in Texas.
We only went to Utah once a year, usually during the summer.
So since I've been up in Idaho for school the past two years I've gotten to see them so much more!
It's been such a blessing, and really just so much fun!
I'm really grateful for them and the examples they are to me in my life.
Also, grandpa gave me these awesome old film cameras!!!
I can't wait to test them out...
He told me that if I have more than 6 it's considered a museum... Now I have 8. ;)


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