Friday, March 15, 2013

The One Where I Fell in Love

Years ago I stumbled onto this amazing film photographer,
 Ryan Muirhead.
He is a brilliant photographer. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing.
I was still a youngin' as far as photography goes (which I still am, really, but I have a couple more years in), and was in shock.
His work is breathtaking, different, a bit eccentric at times, and just absolutely beautiful.
It was a kind of photography that I had never really seen before.
No weddings, engagements, senior portraits, family photos - the typical photographer.
He was an artist.
(Not to say those that do those photoshoots like that aren't artists.)
I fell completely head over heels for film.
It's raw. It's emotional. It's... so real.
I could never look at digital photography the same.
I mean, how could I? In my eyes it doesn't even compare!
So that christmas I asked for my own film camera.
It was a beautiful Canon AE-1 vintage, from the 60's.
I was in loooove and decided to ask my beautiful and favorite model (also my best friend), Madeline to let me shoot her in film.
And let me tell you...
Film loved her.
I mean, everyone loved her. And my digital camera did too.
But that's not the point.

Yeah...stunning, right?
And the film and grain just add to the loveliness.
I fell in love instantly
And this isn't even professional film. Just the cheap crap from Walgreens.
Like I said in my rant before, I haven't really been doing the things I have passions for...
But this is what jolted the real me hiding deep inside somewhere awake...
Sara K Byrne Photography.
As much as I adore Ryan's photography, Sara's is more my style and what I want to make my living out of.
Her and her husband are incredible lifestyle film photographers!
Weddings, engagements, family, newborn, etc.
I fell in love with film all over again.
I went straight to amazon and bought my first pack of professional film.
Kodak Portra 160 to be exact.
I can't wait for it to get here so I can experiment and re discover one of the only things I'm extremely passionate about.
My dearest Madeline has passed on from this life on earth and gone to heaven.
I sure wish I could test this out on her.
But that isn't going to happen.
Saying that it makes me sad would be the biggest understatement of the century.
It won't ever be the same without her beautiful radiant face within the frames of my photographs.
But. Someday.
Can't wait to share my experiments sometime next week. :)


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful shots! Ryan is one of my favorites too. AND Portra 160 is my FAVORITE stock to shoot. Hope you love it too!
