Friday, March 22, 2013

Just One of Those Days

(It's 1:13 in the morning, I can't sleep, and I have the random urge to blog. So here we go.)
Recently the weather here in Rexburg has actually been pretty nice!
Then Wednesday morning it decided to snow...
I was not a happy camper.
Just when you're ready for Spring Rexburg laughs in your face.
It was just one of those mornings where all you want to do is curl up in bed and go back to sleep.
So my roommate Emily and I were talking about how much we just wanted to watch a movie and have donuts and hot chocolate.
Then we looked at each other and both were thinking the same thing... 
It was the morning where I would skip class and we would watch Say Anything.
(We had been meaning to do this all semester since I had never seen it before, but the perfect opportunity hadn't presented itself yet.)
It was definitely the perfect morning to do it.
We still really wanted those donuts though...
And unfortunately Cali is the only one in our apartment that has a car, and she was at a tutoring lesson.
Then a few minutes later she walks through the door saying it was cancelled until 11:30!
So I told her our plan about wanting to go to Paradise to get donuts, and she let us take her car.
It was totally fate.
Our dreams were becoming a reality.
Emily and I hopped in the car and I bought us some yummy donuts.
So we ate old fashioned buttermilk donuts, drank our hot chocolate, and watched a great 80's movie.
In our pajamas.
Pretty great morning if you ask me.
Sometimes you just have to have those lazy pajama days, you know?
Especially those freezing snowy days.
Oh wait... So everyday in Rexburg...


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