Sunday, March 31, 2013


I have a love/hate relationship with working out.
I have a hard time getting myself to the gym or outside to run, but once I'm there I love it.
And I love how I feel once I'm done: so accomplished and healthy!
This past week has been AMAZING!
I have learned so much about myself and about life.
I have grown physically, mentally, and most importantly spiritually.
This week I decided to wake up early at around 7:00-8:00 every morning and workout before class.
I have always been the kind of girl that works out on and off.
I'm never consistent.
Which is obviously not a good thing, and something I've really worked hard on this week.
I worked my butt off every single morning this week and it has paid off already.
My habits have changed because of it, too.
Since I work out I want to eat healthy.
Which is an amazing thing.
 Also, since I wake up really early to workout, I have a lot more time before my classes in the morning.
So I've decided to do my 30 minute scripture study before class, that way I start the day off right!
And let me tell you...
It has made a HUGE difference in the way that I am and how I hold myself.
I've always known all of these things were good for me, but isn't it funny how sometimes we go through the same cycle?
Where we know what things will make us happy but we just don't want to do them?
I can't believe it has happened to me so many times, but it always does!
I have felt SO productive this week, and it's an incredible feeling.
This week scripture study has had the most impact on my life than it ever has.
I've never felt that when I read the scriptures I can completely relate/apply them to my life.
It's obviously because I wasn't understanding them, or not really pondering and making an effort to.
I'm in a scripture study class this semester, and my teacher told us there is nothing more important than praying before studying the scriptures.
I have come to find that to be so true.
As I studied them this week I always prayed beforehand to have a better understanding, be able to apply it to my life and present day situation, and learn to better teach others (in preparation for my mission in the fall).
Everything I have read this week was exactly what I needed.
But I want to share a specific experience I had.
So the other day I saw a larger woman at the grocery store, and she could barely walk she was so big.
It made me incredibly sad for her, and crazy grateful for my own health and physical well being.
I thought of all the exercise I had done this week and felt so blessed that I have a body that can even do those things.
I was praying the other night thanking God for my body and the abilities He has given me.
I apologized for not always being grateful for my own body, because I'm not completely comfortable with the way I look.
But who is? We all have flaws.
Then the next day I was reading in my scriptures and this stuck out to me:
"I say unto you that if ye should serve him who has created you from the beginning, and is preserving you from day to day, by lending you breath, that ye may live and move and do according to your own will, and even supporting you from one moment to another- I say, if ye should serve him with all your whole souls yet ye would be unprofitable servants." -Mosiah 2:21
And for me, in my point in life and circumstance, this scripture meant so much!
I'm just so incredibly grateful that I get to move and do according to my will.
How powerful is that?
So no matter what size you are, love yourself, and be grateful for these beautiful bodies God has given us.
Treat them like a temple, a sacred and holy place.
Take care of them as best as you possibly can.
They are a gift.
It's amazing how when you change even just one little thing in your life, it has a ripple effect.
Life is wonderful.
I encourage everyone to find one thing in their lives they could make better or change, and see if other things change too.
I'm positive that they will as long as you're working hard and have the righteous desire to be better!
Also, this quote from President Gordon B. Hinckley gave me comfort when I didn't want to workout, or read my scriptures, or do the things I am supposed to:
"Carry on. Things will work out. If you keep trying and praying and working, things will work out. They always do..." -Gordon B. Hinckley


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