Saturday, March 16, 2013

The One With the Couch

Today is Saturday.
This morning I had absolutely no plans for the whole day.
It has ended up being one of the best days I've had all semester.
It all started with the couch.
It was 36 degrees outside and somewhat sunny.
You have to understand, for Rexburg, it was a shorts and T-shirts kind of day.
I mean, the parks were full of people. 
You would have thought it was summertime or something.
So I thought it felt good enough that I wanted to move our couch onto our front porch!
At the time it was a terrible decision. But ended up being the reason why today was so adventurous. 
It was such a terrible decision at the time because once we got out there it was actually really windy.
Isabel and I were freezing our little behinds off.

But we decided to stick it out until our other roommate Cali got home.
I mean, we couldn't move our whole couch on our porch, sit there for 5 minutes and go back inside...
It would have been totally lame and weak.
So then Cali came home and we were so excited because we were freezing by this point. 
It just wasn't quite sunny enough to counteract the wind.

So we're sitting there on our porch minding our own business when it happened.
(Oh, and today I just re discovered the panoramic picture feature on my phone. So. It was a panoramic Saturday, that's for sure.)

So. Like I said. 
We were minding our own business when a bunch of people walk out to the parking lot, and Cali sees a girl from our ward and says hi.
Then Cali asked where they were going, and turns out they were headed to the ice caves!
Then this guy invited us to go! They were literally about to leave. 
And here we are sitting on a couch with all our stuff on our front porch. Haha. Great.
Cali eagerly said YES! Let's go! So we went and got ready pretty fast.
I was pretty hesitant to go with these random people I'd never met before. 
Cali kept trying to convince me and tell me c'mon Cami, we're going! It'll be fun.
I continued getting ready but was still hesitant. But then I thought...
 I thought of my first post on here, and remembered my realization the other night... 
I'm boring.
I wasn't going to let this fun adventure slip through my fingers.
So I sucked it up, got out of my comfort zone, and squished into a truck with a bunch of people I didn't even know.
And I'm SO glad I did.
We were having a great time, jamming out to music and just laughing and talking.
But then the road ended suddenly and turned into snow. With no tracks to follow.
We all kind of chuckle and laugh, thinking wowww we drove all this way and we can't even get there...
But we didn't let that ruin the trip. We got out of the car to talk to the other two cars following us. 
We just played in the snow for a bit and had a snowball fight, and played snowball roulette.

After a little fun, we all pile into the car and drive towards a different little turn off to get to the caves.
It was craaaazzyyyy.
The road was completely snowy/muddy, but there were car tracks to follow.
It was one bumpy ride. Totally fun.
So we were pretty close to the caves at this point until what do you know...
No more tracks to follow.
So after a long time of trying to make a new path, we decided to just head back home.
But of course we got out and explored a little before heading back.

We finally got back to the beginning of this turn off when a few people from the other car decided they wanted to go mudding.
So a few of them hopped into the back for a bumpy, very muddy ride.
It was hilarious to watch their four bodies huddled together just getting rocked back and forth...
It was seriously a blast, even though we never even made it to the ice caves.
Plus the views were absolutely beautiful.

Having grown up in Texas and now living in Idaho the past two years, I have really fallen in love with mountains.
So. It all comes back to the couch.
If I hand't moved it out to the porch, we wouldn't have been sitting there and Cali never would have seen that girl and said hi and we never would have been invited.
It was a Saturday full of unexpected adventures with complete strangers that I will probably never see again in my life.
But. Like I said.
It was an amazing day.


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